Yet another successful talgud was organised under fluctuating weather conditions and temperatures between 12-19C. Thanks to the assistance and help of Allan K, Lucas K, Harald M, Jaan L and Mai B, many items were able to be completed by the end of the working bee. Below is a list of the major accomplishments for 2018.
- Completed installation of the Western Red Cedar windows in the eastern main bedroom and western lounge room (this process began in 2012)
- The western wall was braced with steel, painted, sealed and waterproofed and had flashing installed to give support to the most exposed section of the building. Internal bracing also helps support the wall from the harsh weather
- Expanding foam employed to prevent bats from entering
- Long overdue clean of the air conditioner
- Driveway road guides were retaped
- Quilts/wool blankets commercially cleaned
- Library shelving area re-organised
- Wood was collected, cut and stored